Monday, January 11, 2010


Later on, when our boys are a older, we may try out beekeeping. So, I've done some reading to see how we will need to get started once we do.
The first obvious step is to be sure you and the rest of your household are not allergic! So, that is something we'll be sure to consider as we find out if our boys have any allergies.
Here are some tips, in no order, I'll also need to remember:
-When getting stung, scrape the stinger away, instead of pulling it out. Eventually, you will get used to the stings and so will your body, building an immunity
-Stick to the same supplier so that your parts are interchangeable. Buying used may spread disease to your bees.
-Good Website:
-Queen bees live 1 to 3 years. Trade out your queen bee yearly to help prevent swarming (the bees leaving).
-Don't wear perfume/cologne
-Start out with 3lbs. of bees (10,000 bees)
-read "Beekeeping for Dummies" by Howland Blackston
-seek out local bee club and become a member

-plants lots of flowers so the bees don't go to the soy fields in our area and bring back the bad stuff!

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